There is no rose without thorns.

Aurora Wilson.

I've battled my whole life to become the strong woman I am today. If you think you can take me down after all that I've already been through, give it your best shot.You will not succeed.

This is a fandomless OC; A huntress with gifts still unexplainable.Is she really fully human? Or perhaps part something that has been kept hidden from her pretty much her whole life?[ Inspiration drawn from the show known as supernatural. ]Mature themes will be present along with potential triggers in the portrayal of this original character.Highly descriptive, multiverse, and fellow OC friendly.Minors please do /not/ interact.Ships will be extremely selective and based strictly on strong chemistry; Multiship.Anything NSFW related will be kept in DM's or in Aurora's circle.

Information :

Aurora is an expert with daggers, guns, and many other weapons.She is skilled in hand to hand combat and has enhanced strength and agility.She is also quite intelligent.She's a big time history fanatic, and if she didn't decide that she wanted to be what she is now, she was going to go to college to become a history teacher.Once a mission has been given or if she has snatched up the assignment herself, if
she's unaware of what she's up against or needs more info on what exactly needs to be done in order to take who or whatever it is out, she'll just do her needed research and seek whatever information she can and in any way possible, which can yes lead her into some trouble at times.
But she never worries, cause there's not much of that said trouble that she can't get herself out of.[ You could definitely see her as someone who is filled with lots of surprises. ]She does have a great sense of when certain things are near her, so really not much can get past her.Often she has seen this as another one of her unique giftings that didn't appear till she got older ( just like her others, except the strength part, which was the first to show, and right when her grandmother passed which took a toll on her. )But to make things short, in regards to her said gifts, they do still remain a mystery to her.She never had the opportunity to talk to her grandmother about them, so she's sadly unaware of what one's she had or of what one's she didn't.You will never see an ounce of fear across aurora during her missions. The only time you will do so, is if she sees someone is hurt or is in the process of almost getting hurt.Aurora over the years has developed scars both physically and mentally, but she wears them with pride, cause it shows clearly what tried to kill her had failed.She is a sweet woman ( who can also be quite feisty ) who does for the time being work alone, and enjoys what she does, cause she knows that she's helping and saving people. But she is not one you should anger in any way shape or form, unless you have a death wish.She's never been fond of being hit on in a manner that would make any woman uncomfortable or being looked at as weak.She wears a special necklace around her neck that long ago her grandmother gave to her. She tends to look at it often cause it gives her a form of comfort during her missions.Her mother growing up used to constantly tell her that angels will watch over her always. And still to this day, she does believe she's continuing to be looked after.Aurora is definitely unlike any other huntress that's out there in this kind of a world due to the giftings that she has, but she tries to ignore that.She tries to see herself as just an ordinary woman who wants to help people in this kind of a job that she does, even though at times it can be hard.She does on the side of hunting have another small job that she does to help actually acquire a little bit of money for herself to help get by with living, since she never accepts money from anyone during her hunts.She teaches a self defense course once a week, which she does enjoy doing immensely.And even though she travels all the time and tends to mostly stay in motels while on assignments, she does have her own home in North Carolina [ the state she grew up in. ]She is also a beloved owner of two mix breed German shepherds that she ended up rescuing as puppies during her many said travels. They are yes both brother and sister. On some occasions, she does have a selective few of friends that do agree to look after them for her when she knows they are sadly unable to tag along with her.------Just a bit more information in regards to Aurora's abilities that help her in her many assignments that are given to her or ones that she decides to take into her own hands once finding out about them :Whenever they take into full gear, you will notice her eyes turning a light shade of blue which means she knows when there's something either supernatural near or something that's just not all the way human.It's one of the many reasons why she has worked alone for all these years because she has a habit of seeing herself as no more than a monster ( or just a plain out freak, per say. ) and she doesn't want anyone seeing that part of her and deciding to suddenly think the same.When she's in such a state, her mind is solely concentrated on her task at hand. If bothered, she may hurt whoever is with her, which she absolutely never wants.As stated in my information above, She has enhanced strength and agility which can only be seen during these said times.

Backstory :

Welcome to the unexpected.Ever since I can remember, both my mother and father always told me that I was special. That I would grow up to become something wonderful and unique.Something that I would least expect.The name's Aurora, Aurora Anne Wilson, and I'm a huntress.Since the age of 18, I've been hunting and saving people from things that some at times would only see in their nightmares.I remember one day my mother took a moment to sit me down and randomly at that.For the past few nights, her sleep pattern hasn't been her usual which I couldn't deny had worried me since her health started to decline at a dangerous level.Constantly, she was having to be checked out by her doctor so as she sat me down, I was preparing for pretty much anything.Once the conversation started, she said that for sometime, she had been wanting to share something that she had been actually /very/ afraid to tell me.She knew her days were possibly numbered because of where her health was, so she couldn't help but feel that now was the right time to finally break that fear in someway and somehow.My mother explained that there were forms of hunters that ran on her side of the family and not the ones I was maybe thinking of.She then proceeded to explain on what exactly they were since she could already tell that I was clearly lost.Once she made herself more clear, she continued on to clarify that each one that she knew were great uncle's of mine who were fierce and most talented in their craft, but ended up becoming eventually lost or taken out while in the midst of a mission or were either sent away to mental institutions due to the stress of the life style driving them mad.But out of them all, there was one who was clearly at the top in what they did. Who fell, got hurt, and in more ways than one, but always got up.My grandmother? actually turned out to be one of the best hunters that you could ever possibly find, at least from what she herself knew.She even admitted that she wouldn't be surprised that the devil himself would actually fear her.For awhile, my grandmother tried to encourage my mom to take up her mantle once it was time for her to pass due to age, but sadly she couldn't.It truly upset her that she refused, but she longed to choose her own destiny.See, my mom was a gifted psychic, so she had already saw in a vision that she was meant to do other things. It was a gift that not even my grandmother knew she had at the time.Sitting awfully still, I continued to listen to her every word, though as I was, I couldn't process just yet on what exactly I was hearing.Truthfully, whenever I took time to try to see what my future could possibly hold, I could never see a thing. I had dreams, yes, but ones that I didn't think the currently fragile me could actually in time do."Aurora, I know this is something that you probably don't want to ever do or be apart of, but it has already been shown to me.You were meant to carry on what your grandmother started so long ago. If you don't, then I don't know who else will.Every night when I lay down to rest, I see you fighting, saving lives, but as you are, you're doing it with not just weapons.There's something within you that strengthens you at an enhanced level. Your adrenaline builds and whatever comes your way, you're able to take them down within seconds. My mother, your grandmother, was the same way.I saw it myself many times as a child and trust me when I say that I thought I was going crazy."At that moment, my heart felt like it was literally stuck up in my throat. My body from top to bottom? Was completely numb.This was just.. too much.Standing up to my feet, a single tear trailed along down the skin of my cheek."A.. A huntress? Mom. How - I can't. Have you seen me? Do you think a person who could barely even defend herself through middle school and high school from all the people that literally wanted to tear her apart could become this.. defender for people? This - protector?"Reaching for my hand and succeding in grabbing it before I had the chance to walk away, I couldn't help but tremble ever so slightly as she started to caress the top of it."Sweetheart. Yes.. yes, you can. And that day will soon come when you will see that I'm right. I..." With pierced lips, she glanced down though briefly."I just hope when it does come, you will accept it."God above only knows how many questions I had as I continued to stand there. Listening to all that my mother had shared.I loved my grandmother and never knew of this side of her.All I knew was that she was certainly a one of a kind woman and one who truly loved her family and cherished helping people in anyway she could.I just didn't know that this was one of those ways.. till now.Maybe if I took up this mantle, it would make her happy knowing that someone actually decided to carry on what she started since my mother couldn't. But the question was, could I really do it?I /was/ her only grandchild.I just needed to first push back the fear and doubt that I had within me and try to gain more confidence in myself.In time and in secret, I did yes eventually start training due to immense curiosity and with all of my grandmother's old weapons and essentials that she used. But while doing so, I saw what my mother said she had seen in her visions.So daily, I decided to keep up my said training and then finally decide to go out and live out on my own once I had graduated high school.Beginning this life that I now have that changed me in all ways possible. And made me into the woman that I never once thought that I would become.

About writer :

The name's megan; meg for short. I'm 33 years old and my pronouns are she/her.Along with being a writer, I am yes an editor.I do tend to be quite a busy woman when it comes to attending to my said editing and also the RL department. I also do have alot of health issues that at times I do have to deal with. So whenever I can't get to things here, do have patience with me and know that I'll get back to you whenever I possibly can.This here platform is a form of an escape for me, not a job nor a necessity.[ if I am pressured in anyway when it comes to either replies or being online all together, you will be blocked. ]I am also shy, I will admit.Call it an old habit that I've never been able to break ( lol ) But I am a kind and friendly individual, so please don't ever be afraid to approach.